donation opportunities

We know that camping ministry has helped many individuals form a relationship with God, discern their calling, and develop into the person that God created them to be. If you feel thankful for this vital ministry as well, please join us in prayer, thanks, and financial giving.

Every year, a portion of our church apportionment’s go to camping and retreat ministry. These apportionments make up roughly 33% of our budget. So, it’s not a big part, but it is an important one. We are so blessed to be a part of a faith community that values our young people!

We also accept checks as donations! Please write checks payable to Camp Lakeside, and mail them to this address:

Camp Lakeside
300 E Scott Lake Dr
Scott City KS 67871

If you would like information about estate planning involving Camp Lakeside, please contact Tiffany King at 620-872-2021 or by email at


If you can’t make it out to Camp Lakeside to donate your time and skills, there are other opportunities for you to support our ministry!