Frequently Asked Questions!

How do i know which programs my child is eligible to attend?

  1. When you are completing the registration process you will be asked to enter the grade level your child will be entering the following fall after camp. You will be automatically shown the programs for which your child is eligible based on that grade level, the grade they will ENTER after summer camp.

  2. Campers must attend programs within their age group with VERY limited exceptions.

What opportunities does camp provide for my child?

  1. Each day campers have an opportunity to participate in a wide range of activities.

  2. Camp is a safe place where they get to grow personally and spiritually.

  3. Camp provides them with leadership opportunities, teamwork building skills, personal communication skills and ways to show each other kindness even in our differences.

  4. They have the opportunity to meet Jesus in a natural setting, maybe for the first time. They will grow in their faith walk and have the opportunity to ask questions.

  5. They will get to try new things like: canoeing, paddleboarding, archery, fishing. Sit around a campfire, singing songs and making S’mores.

  6. They build relationships with their new friends and with Jesus that last a lifetime.

Who will care for my child while they are at camp?

  1. Safety is of utmost importance to us at Camp Lakeside.

  2. We have amazing summer staff counselors that are the primary caretakers of campers each week. They go through two weeks of training prior to the start of camp each summer.

  3. This training includes CPR and First Aid, sessions on ages and stages of child development, dealing with homesickness and behavior issues, safety training for all of our activities, Safe Gatherings Training (which includes a background check), and more.

What will my child be eating at Camp? What if my child has allergies or dietary restrictions?

  1. We have a FABULOUS kitchen staff who make delicious meals each day for our campers. Most of the time campers will eat in the dining hall.

  2. We strive to provide camp friendly meals that include nutritious food options for campers, including a salad bar available at most meals. We also have fresh fruit options available to help keep them hydrated. Meals will vary from week to week.

  3. You have to opportunity to make us aware of any allergies and dietary restrictions on the camper health form when you complete their registration. The cooks are happy to accommodate these restrictions and will provide options that are as close to what other campers are eating as possible.

  4. Making sure to fill out that medical, health form at time of registration is important so that our kitchen staff has time to prepare ahead of time is extremely important.

Where will my child sleep?

  1. Campers will stay in various cabins. Some of the cabins have bathroom and shower facilities in the cabin, while others, a camper will need to walk a short distance to the bathhouse.

  2. All cabins have air conditioning available.

  3. There will be two counselors in each cabin with the campers.

  4. Some campers depending on the camp attending, will spend a couple of nights sleeping in tents at Lake Scott State Park.

  5. Whichever cabin they stay in, campers will need to bring their own bedding. Usually a sleeping bag and pillow works. The cabins do have beds with mattresses and twin sheets work as well.

What if my child gets homesick?

  1. Homesickness is a normal part of children being away from home, especially if its for the first time. Our staff take part in training leading up to the start of camp that gives them the tools and strategies to help campers deal with homesickness. If those attempts are not successful they can contact a member of our full time staff to help with the situation. In the event that the camper is still struggling we would reach out to the parents and talk with them about other possible ways to help the camper. In severe cases of homesickness we would then offer the opportunity for the child to speak directly with the parents to discuss options for moving forward. Sometimes the child is just not ready to stay at camp yet and that’s okay! We hope that they would try it again the next summer and find they are successful at staying the whole week.

  2. Sometimes parents also have a similar experience in dealing with their child being away from them for an extended period of time. That’s normal too! Camp staff are happy to chat with you and your camper during the check-in process to assure you they are safe and will have a great time. There are some ways you can help with homesickness before and during camp. If you have never been to camp before, we encourage you to come visit. We will show you where they will be staying and eating their meals. We will discuss how camp works with you and answer any questions you may have. Camp Lakeside wants each camp to be a positive and safe experience for all our campers.

  3. When writing letters or sending emails to your camper, we encourage you to stay positive. Ask them encouraging questions about their time at camp. Refrain from saying things like, “we miss you so much” or telling them how much their favorite pet misses them. These things are a reality, we know you miss them, but it also encourages homesickness. Sharing your hopes for what they would experience at camp is great.

what if there is bad weather?

  1. The health and safety of our campers is our primary concern. We have designated storm shelters in place just for these types of events. Camp has emergency plans in place in the event of severe weather. Our local county emergency manager keeps the Director up to date on any possible weather situations that may affect us at camp. Our staff are trained on where to take campers in a severe weather emergency and this is practiced during our training. We have communication methods in place so we can communicate with each other during these potential situations.

Will my child need money during the week at camp?

  1. The answer is almost always, that is up to you. We do have a camp store where they can purchase souvenirs and snacks. If you would like to send money for the camp store you can include it during the registration process.

  2. If you bring cash at check-in we will collect it and add it to their store account. We do all camp store purchases electronically and discourage campers from having cash while at camp. Any money left on their camp store account at the end of the season will go towards a donation to the camp store.

How do I contact my child while they are at camp?

We have several options for communicating with your child while they are at camp.

  1. You can mail them letters to the camp address with their name, followed by the camp session they are attending. Camp’s mailing address is 300 E. Scott Lake Dr., Scott City, KS. 67871.

  2. You may leave pre-written letters with a camp staff member during the check-in process. They will be handed out during the week at mail time.

  3. You may send them an email. The camp email address is Please put your campers name in the subject line. We will print them off and give it to them during mail time.

  4. In the event of an emergency and you need to speak with your camper in a more immediate way, you can call the camp office at 620-872-2021 and a staff member can work with you to make that happen.

What do I need to know about the camp’s insurance and medical policies?

  1. The family or individual insurance policy is the primary coverage for accidents and injuries. The health information form must be completed and signed by a parent or legal guardian before admission to the camp.

  2. All medications must be turned in to the camp nurse or health aide in their original packaging at the time of check-in. These will be dispensed according to the label requirements by our nurse or health aide.

What opportunities do you have for volunteering?

  1. We have a wide range of volunteer opportunities at camp! You can choose which activity that would best suit your talents and abilities. You can visit our Volunteer section of this website to find ways you can serve at camp. Volunteers during the summer camp season are required to take and complete Safe Gatherings Training and undergo a background check before being able to volunteer. If you wish to volunteer during the week that your child is at camp, that is possible but due to American Camp Association guidelines, you would NOT be able to stay in the same sleeping quarters as your child.

Who owns and operates Camp Lakeside?

  1. Camp Lakeside is owned by Great Plains Camps Inc. We are affiliated with and supported by the Great Plains Conference of the United Methodist Church. There is a Great Plains Camps Board that oversees all the GP Camps in Kansas and Nebraska. However, we are open to ALL denominations and people to allow them to experience and grow with God.

  2. Day to day operations of camp are managed by the full-time staff members, which includes our site director Chad Irwin. We also have a site council made up of clergy and laity who participate in the management of camp.

I cannot afford the cost of camp. Can my child still attend?

  1. YES! We never want a child to miss out on camp due to financial reasons. The first thing we would suggest is to check with your local church, if you have one, and ask if they have scholarship money available for camp. Many churches in our area have these programs available. They do not have to be United Methodist Churches either.

  2. Camp Lakeside also has some scholarships available directly through camp. On our website there is a scholarship application available. These scholarships are based on financial need. We understand that there may be various reasons and we ask that you explain why a scholarship would be important to your family. These forms are kept confidential and will be reviewed by full-time staff only. After reviewing the form we will contact you with how much we are able to provide in scholarship funds.